Support Champion Breaks

Listen to tracks, rate them and also share them on your social networks like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Reviewing tracks
If you have a blog or other means, please critically review the tracks and share your opinions.
Submitting new tracks
If the Champion Breaks sound inspires you, then submit your own unique tracks, making sure that it fits the sound of Champion Breaks. If I upload it, I will give you full artist credits.
Reinventing and remixing
Share your own interpretation of existing tracks. Give it new life, using your imagination! Submit your efforts to me. If selected, I will upload them to the site and give you full remix credit.
Mixing and uploading DJ sets
There is a Champion Breaks DJ page on Mixcloud where you can upload your mixes and share them with others. Submit your mix to me and I will upload it to Mixcloud and give you full DJ mixing credits.